PgDip / MSc

These courses are designed for medical professionals who want to advance their careers in medical education by focusing on developing excellence in both learning and teaching

Programme Overview

This flexible and affordable PgDip and MSc Medical Education course recognises both new and experienced medical educators’ diverse, complex, and challenging contexts.

The distance learning PgDip and MSc Medical Education Course, with the assistance of our industry experts, aims to create a global community of educators dedicated to promoting improvements in teaching future healthcare professionals.

The MSc have been re-accredited for AccreditationPlus by AoME (Academy of Medical Educators), their highest accreditation level.

Awarded by The University of South Wales

The University of South Wales (USW) is one of Britain’s most exciting and ambitious universities. Innovative, thriving and sustainable, it works to build better futures for students, communities and partners, economically, socially and culturally.

Key Facts

Postgraduate Diploma
Awarding University University of South Wales
Commitment Part-time
Format 100% Online
Duration 12 months
Class Size 15 – 20
Application Deadline 30th August 2024
Course start date 2nd September 2024
Total Fees £5,040
Awarding University University of South Wales
Commitment Part-time
Format 100% Online
Duration 24 months
Class Size 15 – 20
Application Deadline 30th August 2024
Course start date 2nd September 2024
Total Fees £9,440

Why study with Learna?

Learna has over 10 years’ experience delivering online courses, giving you access to flexible, affordable distance learning in partnership with world-leading educators.

100% Flexible

Courses are 100% online. No fixed study times mean you can log in and learn whenever and wherever.

Multidisciplinary – study in a group of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.

Expert Led

All of our programmes are authored and developed by world leading experts in their field.

The faculty are selected due to their subject expertise, experience and teaching abilities to ensure the highest standards of educational excellence.

Career Boosting

Get a University Validated postgraduate qualification in just 1 calendar year instead of 2 academic years, and a Master’s in 2 years.

40% of alumni reported an increase in salary 2 years after studying.






Option 1: Upfront Payment in full    Option 2: Interest free payments every other month for the duration of the course

Who is the course for?

Our flexible PgDip and MSc Medical Education course is suitable for:

  • Doctors
  • GPs
  • Healthcare Professionals

Also, those with related undergraduate degrees (e.g. Pharmacists) or equivalent professional qualifications and background experience who wish to develop their skills and knowledge as medical educators.

How will I learn?

You will be supported throughout your studies by a committed team of internationally recognised educational experts.

Our courses are conducted through our interactive online learning platform, log in daily whenever and wherever you want. No fixed timetable empowers you to study when it suits you.

These usually occur within groups of 10-20 students, allowing you to clearly communicate with both your tutor and fellow students.


Our online PgDip Medical Education allows you to study for just one calendar year and is a part-time, distance-learning course. The course is worth 120 credits and comprises six modules of 20 credits, each running over a period of six weeks.

The online MSc Medical Education is a two year course, consisting of eight modules (180 credits) with the first 120 credits deriving from the Postgraduate Diploma. The second year of the distance learning MSc Medical Education course starts with an initial 10 week online module that will develop skills in critical appraisal and knowledge of research methodologies. Students then complete the professional project module, which consists of a 1,500 word proposal and 10,500 word professional project (dissertation).

Year 1 (PgDip & Msc)

Module 1: The Practice of Medical Education

Module Aims
To develop a critical understanding of the context of medical education in the broader profession of education which puts focus on patient care.

Module Content

  • Learning and teaching theories
  • Learning and teaching methods
  • Lesson planning
  • Practical skills for teaching online learning: Individuals, small, and large groups
  • Practical skills for teaching online learning
  • Current topics and controversies

Learning Outcomes

  1. Critical understanding of teaching methods and theories for the application of learning
  2. Critical understanding of the importance of medical education and how to put the focus on patient care

Module 2: Assessment

Module Aims
To develop an in-depth understanding of the principles of assessment in medical education.

Module Content

  • Performance/Testing
  • Formative assessment
  • Summative assessment
  • Constructing an assessment (case study)
  • Supervision and feedback (appraisal)
  • Current topics/controversies

Learning Outcomes

  1. Critically analyse a range of assessment methodologies
  2. Critically apply formative and summative assessment to the field of medical education

Module 3: Evaluation

Module Aims
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the different types of evaluation.

Module Content

  • Regulatory context of Medical Education
  • Moore’s levels
  • Programme evaluation
  • Case Studies
  • Current topics and controversies

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the different models of evaluation
  2. Apply evaluation into practice to improve education for patient care

Module 4: Media

Module Aims
Develop an in-depth understanding of how to incorporate a variety of digital programmes into medical education.

Module Content

  • Educational media and technology (media in the context of lesson planning)
  • Presentation skills
  • Simulation (Augmented Reality/virtual Reality)
  • Big data, big “clinical” data
  • Emerging technologies: Ubiquitous web Internet of Things, mobile, digital ecology.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Justify and critically evaluate the role of media in medical education
  2. Critically evaluate emerging technologies in medical education

Module 5: Leadership

Module Aims
To develop an in-depth understanding of the importance of effective leadership to help improve patient care.

Module Content

  • Leadership
  • Monitoring the performance of healthcare professionals
  • Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) domains
  • Policy and strategy including interprofessional learning and compliance with the disability and dyslexia act.
  • Ethics
  • Scholarship

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of AoME professional standards for medical educators
  2. Critically evaluate the role of a leader in medical education

Module 6: Curriculum

Module Aims
To develop the skills and knowledge to plan a curriculum as a medical educator.

Module Content

  • Curriculum planning and application
  • Programmes of learning (theories, curricular design, QA, assessment methods, evaluation)
  • Service user involvement

Learning Outcomes

  1. Take responsibility for planning and developing a course curriculum
  2. Critically evaluate a medical education curriculum from various perspectives

Year 2 (MSc)

Module 1: Research Methodologies and Critical Appraisal

Module Aims
To help students recognise, understand, interpret and apply methods used in healthcare research and critically appraise the various methodologies specific to medical education research.

  • Module Content
    Terminology used in epidemiology and research studies such as prevalence, incidence, sensitivity, specificity, false positive and false negatives.
  • Interpreting graphical representation of epidemiological and statistical data such as Kaplan-Meier Curves, Forrest Plots and Meta-analyses.
  • Calculations used in the assessment of research data such as relative risk, absolute risk, number needed to treat.
  • Statistical tests and their applications including t-Tests, ANOVA, Chi-Square.
  • Qualitative research methods.
  • Fundamentals of evidence-based practice and its application into the clinical setting.
    Establishing patient registers and the value of disease specific registers.
  • Research into educational principles for both healthcare practitioner and patient.
    Understanding what may work for the patient as well as the educator.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Interpret research in medical education for healthcare decision making.
  2. Display a critical understanding of the clinical implications of research and its impact upon healthcare delivery and service development.

Module 2: Professional Project

Module Aims

  • To develop an ability to critically evaluate areas of professional practice.
  • To critically appraise specific areas of clinical, research and organisational practice.
  • To develop skills in independent research and study.
  • To develop skills relevant to scientific publications.

Module Content
The module will depend on the creation of a piece of work based upon a specific clinically related project relevant to the student’s practice. This project may comprise:

  • Literature review and appraisal of the evidence.
  • Audit.
  • Review and implementation of evidence-based practice.
  • Qualitative or quantitative research (formal research involving human subjects is not anticipated).
  • Quality of service review with critical appraisal.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Produce an extensive piece of literature, which may be suitable for peer-reviewed publication.
  2. Critically evaluate educational practice and suggest improvements for change.

Assessment Methods

Postgraduate Diploma

The online Medical Education Diploma places assessments at the heart of the learning process through the employment of real life scenarios to enhance problem-solving, critical analysis and evidence-based practice. Since the scenarios act as a focus for learning and assessment, the two are intrinsically linked.

The six modules on the course have the same assessment format and for all modules, you will be assigned a dedicated expert tutor. Your tutor will then facilitate case discussions with the group, whilst monitoring, assessing and marking your work throughout. You will also participate in a combination of module activities that may be group and/or individual based, dependent on the module.

These innovative teaching methods enable you to envisage the translation of your studies into your every day work and practice. Due to the online nature of the course, you will be expected to regularly login and participate in the course – ideally on a daily basis. Students are recommended to spend around two hours per day on their studies. Our dedicated Student Support Team are also available to help with any problems you may face. From navigating our online platform to advising you on deadlines, our team can assist with any questions or challenges you may have along the way.


The MSc Medical Education course places assessments at the heart of the learning process through the employment of clinical scenarios to enhance problem-solving, critical analysis and evidence-based care. Since the scenarios act as a focus for learning and assessment, the two are intrinsically linked.

The first seven modules on the course have the same assessment format and for all modules, you will be assigned a dedicated expert tutor. Your tutor will then facilitate case discussions with the group, whilst monitoring, assessing and marking your work throughout. You will also participate in a combination of module activities that may be group and/or individual based, dependent on the module.

These innovative teaching methods enable you to envisage the translation of your studies into your every day work and practice.

For the final module of the MSc Medical Education course you will be required to produce a piece of work based upon a project that is relevant to your practice. Once you have selected a specific project, you will submit a project summary/proposal of approximately 1,500 words. Following the approval of your proposal you will then complete a 10,500 word professional project.

To produce the professional project you will continue to study online. Much of the work is self-directed, however you will receive guidance from your tutor throughout the module.

Due to the online nature of the course, you will be expected to regularly login and participate in the course – ideally on a daily basis. Students are recommended to spend around two hours per day on their studies. Our dedicated Student Support Team are also available to help with any problems you may face. From navigating our online platform to advising you on deadlines, our team can assist with any questions or challenges you may have along the way.

Year 1 (PgDip & MSc)

Academic Forum - 40%

  • Every week students are presented with two/three clinical case-based scenarios that are reflective of every day clinical practice and research.
  • Tutors will post a number of questions and prompts to aid students in a formal discussion of each case.
  • These discussions are facilitated throughout by your tutor and are then assessed at the end of every module.

Reflective Journal - 10%

The reflective journal is used by students throughout each module to monitor personal progress. This is guided by weekly feedback from your tutor and is graded at the end of every module. The journal typically includes the following:

  • Initial expectations and reasons for taking the course.
  • Module and/or personal learning objectives.
  • Description of events, issues and learning points within current personal practice.
  • Change in every day practice due to knowledge gained on each module.
  • A description of what has been learned during the module.

Module Assignment - 20%

For this assessment, students will work on a group assignment and/or an individual assignment.

  • Group assignments are designed to hone skills in the multidisciplinary, holistic approach to modern treatments and patient management by requiring group participation in a single piece of work.
  • Individual assignments are designed to hone skills in academic career progression through such tasks as reviewing papers, developing scientific posters or abstracts, peer-reviewing, social media activities, patient information leaflets and essays.

Case-Based Examination - 30%

  • Students are provided with case-based problems in the form of a one-hour timed examination.
  • The exam consists of 30 ‘Single Best Answer’ questions.
  • Students are required to complete the exam online within the set time.

Year 2 (MSc)

Research Methodologies and Critical Appraisal

This module runs over an 8 week period and is designed to develop skills in critical appraisal and knowledge of research methodologies. The module consists of mandatory formative assessment activities to support your learning and development prior to the Professional Project module.

Professional Project Proposal

  • Students will work with their supervisor to submit a professional project proposal for their chosen topic.

  • Students will deliver an abstract (1000 words) outlining their proposal and, if deemed necessary, develop and submit documentation for the University’s ethical committee approval.

Professional Project

  • Students will create a dissertation, the theme of which has been developed in discussion with their tutor.
  • Supervision will normally involve direct online support involving planned progress, supporting research activity and reading student work.
  • Supervisors and students will agree on a communications plan, which may involve emails or online chats. Some students may employ the use of freely available chat or audio conferencing facilities for live discussion with supervisors.
  • Students will have access to online forums where they can develop their research capabilities together.
  • All communications with tutors will be logged on the Professional Project forum by the student, and consist of brief summaries of discussion.

Entry Requirements

Since our PgDip and MSc Medical Education courses are conducted entirely online, it’s accessible to both UK and international registered healthcare professionals without international surcharge.

Applicants will typically hold a first degree or equivalent (including international qualifications) in a relevant professional healthcare field, such as a medical or nursing degree.

Registered healthcare professionals without these recognised qualifications will be considered on an individual basis and a wide range of prior experience may be taken into account. In some cases, applicants may be asked to submit a piece of work for assessment in order to confirm that they are able to work comfortably at postgraduate level, and demonstrate the requisite clinical and professional knowledge.

Documents Required

  • A copy of your updated CV including your address and date of birth.
  • A copy of your undergraduate degree certificate.
  • The name and email address of someone who is able to provide a reference, this can be a work colleague, employer or former tutor.
  • A detailed personal statement explaining why you would like to undertake the course.
  • A copy of your proof of English competency (see below).

English Language Requirements
Proficiency in the English language is also essential to completing our courses. If English is NOT your first language, we ask for proof of competency during the application process. We are able to accept an IELTS overall score of 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 for each band) or an equivalent qualification.

If you do not meet these requirements, please don’t worry. The University of South Wales run a number of English Language Programmes at the Centre for International English to prepare you for your academic studies. You can also contact us on for more information on the qualifications that are accepted.

Should you have already successfully completed the 1 year Postgraduate Diploma and wish to convert to the MSc and complete only the second year of the programme this is possible. Please contact to find out more.

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